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Why not join Cardiff Outdoor Group?

You can now Join or Renew online.

Otherwise, please fill out this form on screen and then print out this page. Then send it to us by snail mail to: COG Membership Secretary, 22 Haxby Court, Felbridge Close, Cardiff CF10 4BH.

This information will be held on a computer system, but only for the purposes of Cardiff Outdoor Group administration.

Membership costs £15 (standard), £12 (standard online),£25 (joint), £22 (joint online) or £7 (reduced). Please state your reason for a reduced fee (unemployed, student, senior citizen or living 40 miles or more from Cardiff) if applicable. If you select an "online" membership category, programmes, newsletters etc will only be sent to you by email and not by post, so please make sure we have your correct email address.

First name:

Last name:





Post code:

Home phone:

Work phone:

Mobile phone:

Email address:

Emergency contact name:

Emergency contact phone:

If you have a car, would you be prepared to give lifts?     Yes:       Possibly:       No: 

Do you mind if your details are on a list circulated to members?       Yes:       No: 

I enclose a cheque payable to "Cardiff Outdoor Group" for :


Reason for reduced membership subscription (if applicable):


Evening events

Weekend events

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Copyright Cardiff Outdoor Group 1997